In many ways, solving a skill gap is like solving a puzzle—not only do you have to make the pieces fit, you have to make sure you have all the necessary pieces from the get-go. That includes a list of the required skills and competencies for each job role, assessment of what you have versus what you need, identification of high performers and best practices, necessary training, experience, and measurement of results. A wise leader will also consider what they don’t know. How can one review the skills needed for a project if your not an expert in the field? It may be time to hire a professional consultant to help avoid costly mistakes.
With the continued emergence of new technologies and new business needs, iDEAL recognizes that the skills required to succeed tomorrow are not the same as the skills required to succeed today. Where once it sought to establish skill benchmarks based on the success of the past, it now seeks to anticipate the benchmarks of the future, and plan development proactively.
A good example is moving to the cloud. In house talent rarely has actually had that experience. That is a good time to hire professional services. Another is website changes and upgrades. The web and how people search and buy has changed dramatically in the last 6 years. In house talent has not been exposed to the huge variety of industries, situations and charlatans out there that profess that they can drive traffic to your website if you buy their offering. This is a great time to hire professional services to help you sort out which path to take. Another is major technology transitions. Going wireless, paperless, mobile are all areas fraught with pitfall if you don’t have a guide to watch your step.
Then there is Data Center migrations, IT Service Management implementations. Application Development, Website and Infrastructure projects that stress your IT departments resource limits. This is a great time to bring in a qualified Project Manager to work that change. iDEAL can provide that Project Manager, Developer, BusinessAnalyst or System Architect to fill the gap and relieve the stress in your IT department.
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